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New posts in hex

7zip CRC data of files in packed archive

hex 7zip

Javascript: how to convert hex data to binary and write it into a file

javascript binary hex blob

Python, file(1) - Why are the numbers [7,8,9,10,12,13,27] and range(0x20, 0x100) used for determining text vs binary file

python unicode binary hex ascii

Change .exe with hexeditor [closed]

c++ hex hex-editors

How to convert hex string to color image in python?

Hex web colours

php html colors hex math

String.Format chokes on decimal values?

decimal hex string.format

NSString containing hex convert to ascii equivalent

MySQL C++ Connector getting a string with SELECT query

c++ mysql database string hex

C bit-wise operations with hex numbers

c hex

Hexadecimal to decimal conversion with sprintf in C

c hex printf decimal ascii

SELECT hex(name || age) AS X FROM Ages ORDER BY X

sql sqlite hex

Incrementing hexadecimal string from MAC Address

javascript parsing split hex

How do Hex editors display data so quickly?

c++ winapi editor hex edit

What is this encoding? 0x21

String formatting for hex colors in Python

python string hex

How to subtract or add two hexadecimal value in java

java add subtraction hex

How do I convert hex string into signed integer?

c# .net integer hex signed

How do they convert Decimal to Hexadecimal so fast (in mind)?

assembly embedded hex

Writing a while loop in assembly