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New posts in strongname

Validate Strong Name of Running Assembly

.net validation strongname

Accessing newly signed third party DLL gives error

StrongName a .NET assembly without access to original keyfile

Is it a bad practice to use a digital signature to sign a strongly named assembly?

How to extract private key ,created using Strong Name tool (sn.exe)?

.net key strongname

Strange problems about strong name verification skipping

How do I strongly name an Unmanaged C++ Dll?

How to use StrongNameKeyPair with a password protected keyfile (pfx)?

how do i create a strong named interop dll for shdocvw.dll

Any reason to ship .snk file with the project sources?

.net assemblies strongname snk

Should I strongly name all assemblies?

c# .net strongname

Can I convert an assembly to a Strong-Named assembly without recompiling?

.net assemblies strongname

Using the same key for signing multiple assemblies: wise/unwise?

Do I need to publish the public key from .snk file?

.net assemblies strongname

How hard is it to tamper with a strong named assembly?

c# .net strongname

How does the .NET Runtime Locate Non Strong-Named' Assemblies?

Adding a strong name / signature to an outside DLL?

c# .net strongname

Why should I strong name assemblies, when I have to manually turn of the Bypass-Feature?

.net strongname