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New posts in strongname

How do you programmatically (re)sign a .NET assembly with a strong name?

.net strongname

Is it possible to register a .net assembly as COM without strong naming it?

.net com strongname

Why is it possible to load types in an unsigned assembly from a signed assembly using reflection?

PFX/PKCS12 to SNK conversion for mono

mono strongname pfx pkcs#12 snk

Do I need a new .snk keyfile for each version of a strong named library?

.net strongname snk

Creating strong names in .NET using Strong Name Tool

How do you sign an assembly that was generated by an ILMerge operation?

How to generate strong-naming SNK key file with .net libraries

c# cryptography strongname snk

How does signing with a strong name protect against forging a set of assemblies?

.net assemblies strongname snk

Do strong-named assemblies in .NET ensure the code wasn't tampered with?

c# .net signing pfx strongname

Cannot install assembly to cache?

Do you strong name all assemblies your product uses?

.net assemblies strongname

Simplest way to prevent someone from loading my managed assembly?

How to reference assembly from GAC?

How do I use ServiceStack from a strongly named host?

c# servicestack strongname

StrongNaming with InternalsVisibleTo tag fails when SHA256 used

benefit of signing dll with strong name

Quite special PublicKey in .NET core assemblies

location of .snk file and management of it