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How to force WeakReference to die?

c# .net clr weak-references

What are the different CLR handle types?

.net debugging clr

Is it normal to receive access violation exception (0xc0000005) after NullReference exception

c# .net clr

Load different version of assembly into separate AppDomain

c# .net clr appdomain

Creating a CLR Table Valued Function

sql-server clr

Loading assemblies from memory when hosting the CLR in unmanaged programs

How to change a c# console application's entry point?

c# .net clr cil csc

Reference .NET Assembly from a SQL Server Stored procedure or function

access managed code ( CLR ) DLL with Delphi 7

c# .net delphi dll clr

Nullable<> types are a BCL, CLR, or both implementation?

Cost of a new .Net Process

.net performance memory clr

How much space does string.Empty take in CLR

Using reflection to override virtual method tables in C#

Performance improvements from upgrading .NET Framework

.net clr

I'm confused about default access modifier of C# interface members [duplicate]

c# interface clr

Process memory v.s. AppDomain memory allocation

.net memory clr appdomain

How does IsDisposed really work?

Disable generation of metagen files in VS2010

visual-studio-2010 clr

Performance difference between AnyCPU vs x64 platform on a 64 bit machine

c# performance clr

Understanding of Managed C++

c++ .net clr managed cil