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New posts in base-class-library

Nullable<> types are a BCL, CLR, or both implementation?

Why can't I use await keyword in my Windows Phone 7.1 MvvmCross project while using the Microsoft.Bcl - cannot await 'System.Threading.Tasks.Task?

Is there an alternative to Task.Delay(0) and Task.FromResult(0)? [duplicate]

BCL Immutable Collections: equality is non-symmetric

Expiring Lazy<T> class

c# .net base-class-library

Using C# dll (built with Microsoft.bcl) in interop(C++ managed) project

.NET TcpClient/NetworkStream implementation that supports async operations and respects timeouts

Which `[InternalsVisibleTo]` for .NET Framework and .NET Standard / Core framework assemblies?

When should I use a BitVector32?

StructuralComparisons for arrays

Are there significant performance gains inherent in using .NET's built in classes?

Where is the BCL DateTimeZoneProvider in the .NET Core implementation of NodaTime?

ImmutableArray<> behaves differently than Array<> for nested Select with index

Why does not IDictionary (non-generic) inherit from IEnumerable<DictionaryEntry>?

Why AppDomain.ShadowCopyFiles is string?

Why we use flush parameter with Encoder.GetBytes method

Deploying Microsoft.Bcl.Async w/ Clickonce

Using Bcl ImmutableDictionary in private field

Reflection with generic syntax fails on a return parameter of an overridden method

CallerMemberName in .NET 4.0 not working