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New posts in internalsvisibleto

InternalsVisibleTo, Signing and Unit tests, how to make it practical?

Are There Any Non-UnitTesting Scenarios Where InternalsVisibleTo is Acceptable

.net internalsvisibleto

What is "AllInternalsVisible" parameter of assembly:InternalsVisibleTo attribute?

Mocking internal classes with RhinoMocks

InternalsVisibleTo causes CS0246 error: The Type or Namespace could not be found

Internal access for entities in Entity Framework makes simple linq where query crash

InternalsVisibleTo except for a few classes

Which `[InternalsVisibleTo]` for .NET Framework and .NET Standard / Core framework assemblies?

Releasing class library source, without signing key file, but unit-tests requires access to internal classes, what to do?

Can I make internals visible to all assemblies signed with same key?

c# .net internalsvisibleto

Getting InternalsVisibleTo to work when the build process signs the assembly with strong names?

InternalsVisibleTo with "private protected"

InternalsVisibleTo attribute isn't working

How can I make InternalsVisibleTo attribute work by signing a public token key safely?

LinqPad access to internals of signed assemblies

Can one use InternalVisibleTo without strong-named assembly in C#?

How to mock/isolate internal classes in VS 2012 with Fakes Framework shims?

UnityContainer and internal constructor

Cannot create a Mock class for an internal type using Rhino Mocks