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New posts in unity-container

Unity 3 Configuration By Convention not finding Types in Web Project

Unity - Inject an object to Constructor by calling a Method of a Class

resolve NLog instance with unity container

Is Dependency Injection a good idea when not all instances are used?

Unity DI Container RegisterType method breaking changes from v5.8.x to v5.9.x

WPF + MvvM + Prism

wpf mvvm unity-container prism

Unity Container InjectionConstructor - Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'object[]' because it is not a delegate type


Ninject parent child container hierarchy (like inheritance)

Where should Unity containers be created and references be resolved?

Unity.Wcf / does not implement inherited abstract member AND no suitable method found to override

Should I be passing a Unity Container in to my dependencies?

Unity - how to use multiple mappings for the same type and inject into an object

Could not load type 'System.Reflection.IntrospectionExtensions' from assembly 'mscorlib

What is best practice for using Unity with Entity Framework in a MVC 4 application

Unity: Injection of multiple PerResolveLifetimeManager registered types

Config dictionary for unity via XML

How to Intercept and cancel method execution

Installation of Unity from NugetStore is not working

Unity and Random "Index was outside the bounds of the array" exception

What is Microsoft Unity?