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Can one use InternalVisibleTo without strong-named assembly in C#?

I could not find any clear statement on MSDN regarding this, there are some examples with strong names other are without, for me it seems like it should work even without but its not working.

Thank you

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CloudyMarble Avatar asked May 08 '12 06:05


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Reason. Based on the official site of VS, “Strongly-named” (or sometimes“strong-name”) is necessary for the assemblies to be accessed by other assemblies.

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First, right click on the Assembly DLL -> Properties -> Details. Here you can find the name, version and Culture of your Assembly. It will give you the public key.

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1 Answers

The documentation is quite explicit:

Both the current assembly and the friend assembly must be unsigned, or both must be signed with a strong name. If they are signed with a strong name, the argument to the InternalsVisibleToAttribute constructor must include the full public key as well as the name of the assembly.

See this answer for an example of what full public key means.

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Frédéric Hamidi Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 23:10

Frédéric Hamidi