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New posts in castle-dynamicproxy

Access custom attribute on method from Castle Windsor interceptor

Getting info about methods intercepted by Ninject

How to unit test an interceptor?

DynamicProxy Generation Speed

How DispatchProxy compare to Castle DynamicProxy?

Why does getting the mocked instance created with Moq throw a System.BadImageFormatException?

Return exception from proxy

c# castle-dynamicproxy

Create a dynamic proxy for an abstract class with an internal constructor

Interception with Ninject. Fails to load IProxyRequestFactory

Which `[InternalsVisibleTo]` for .NET Framework and .NET Standard / Core framework assemblies?

Castle DynamicProxy Interceptor having problems with different assemblies

c# castle-dynamicproxy

Add an extra interface using Castle Dynamic Proxy 2?

c# castle-dynamicproxy

Dynamic cast to generic type

NuGet: NHibernate, Castle.Core 3.0 and where is ProxyFactoryFactory?

Castle Windsor Interceptor not working with Method-Level attribute

castle dynamic proxy creation

Performance advice for using Castle DynamicProxy in .NET web-apps

System.InvalidProgramException when executing unit tests in MSTest after Microsoft Security update MS13-004

Using Castle DynamicProxy to initialize a constructor with parameters

c# castle-dynamicproxy