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New posts in ninject-extensions

how to use Ninject intercept using InterceptAttribute

Ninject 3, WCF Service and parameterized constructor

Ninject Interception - breaking changes when porting to Ninject 3.0

Ninject - Request scope has already been disposed

Interception with Ninject. Fails to load IProxyRequestFactory

Ninject dynamically bind to implementation

Get ninject factory extension to allow factory parameters be passed to dependencies

Ninject throws Activation Exception in a WebApi project with multiple assemblies

Composing polymorphic objects in ASP.NET MVC3 project

Ninject.Extensions.Logging.Log4net unexpected behavior

MoqMockingKernel: System.TypeLoadException: Inheritance security rules violated by type

ActivationException when using ToFactory in Ninject

What is the difference between "scope", "context", etc. in Ninject?

Ninject Method-level interception with params

Ninject + Web ApI 2: Error activating IFilterProvider using binding from IFilterProvider to DefaultFilterProvider

NamedScope and garbage collection

Ninject WCF Extension ArgumentNullException using NET.TCP Binding

What is the proper way of using Ninject convention based binding?

Ninject ActivationException: Error activating IAlertManagement

Upgrading Ninject/Ninject WCF Extensions to the latest version