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New posts in castle-dynamicproxy

Castle Dynamic Proxy of Interface and not Derived Class

What's the simplest way to intercept a method call for added functionality?

Castle Windsor InternalsVisibleTo Silverlight

Autofac class interception doesn't work in a certain setup

Is it possible to create an async inteceptor using Castle.DynamicProxy?

Make object dynamically implement an interface in code

c# castle-dynamicproxy cop

How to detect if a Type is a generated DynamicProxy without referencing Castle DynamicProxy?

Can I define custom attributes for proxy type in Castle Windsor

Why does Autofixture w/ AutoMoqCustomization stop complaining about lack of parameterless constructor when class is sealed?

Castle DynamicProxy: Get unproxied object

.net castle-dynamicproxy

Castle DynamicProxy : How to Proxy Equals when proxying an interface?

Using Simple Injector with Castle Proxy Interceptor

Why won't DynamicProxy's interceptor get called for *each* virtual method call?

Whats the difference between PostSharp and Castle Dynamic Proxy?

Applying Aspect Oriented Programming

Getting underlying type of a proxy object

Castle Dynamic Proxy not intercepting method calls when invoked from within the class

What really interceptors do with my c# class?

How use IInterceptor in Castle.DynamicProxy?

Intercept async method that returns generic Task<> via DynamicProxy