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How do I log exceptions thrown during dependency resolution in my Web API project?

c# asp.net-web-api autofac

What is the disadvantage of using InstancePerHttpRequest instead of InstancePerApiRequest in MVC and Web API in same project?

Resolving per-user/per-request dependency with Autofac in StartUp

Should Autofac modules register their own dependent modules?

c# autofac autofac-module


c# autofac .net-core cqrs

Resolving dependencies dynamically using Autofac

Is Autofac IComponentContext.Resolve<Type> a service locator pattern

Autofac: Register classes that are dependant on specific instances of other classes

manually invoke property injection with AutoFac


Autofac MVC 5 RegisterWebApiFilterProvider causes unresolveable IOverrideFilter

Autofac OWIN TestServer and HttpContext

Cannot resolve AutoMapper.IMapper using AutoMapper 4.2 with Autofac

Autofac ignores registration conflicts

Automatically register interface to class in autofac

c# autofac

How do i unit test a class that uses IoC container classes

c# unit-testing autofac

Resolve dependency with autofac based on constructor parameter attribute

This module requires that the HttpApplication implements IContainerProviderAccessor

asp.net-mvc autofac

Autofac Losing Registrations on Web.Config Edit

ASP Web API and Autofac Integration Exception

Reinject dependencies of a freshly deserialized object