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Resolve dependency with autofac based on constructor parameter attribute

I'm using Autofac. I want to inject a different implementation of a dependency based on an attribute I apply to the constructor parameter. For example:

class CustomerRepository
    public CustomerRepository([CustomerDB] IObjectContainer db) { ... }

class FooRepository
    public FooRepository([FooDB] IObjectContainer db) { ... }

builder.Register(c => /* return different instance based on attribute on the parameter */)

The attributes will be providing data, such as a connection string, which I can use to instance the correct object.

How can I do this?

like image 224
Andrew Davey Avatar asked Jan 23 '23 10:01

Andrew Davey

1 Answers

It sounds like you want to provide different implementations of IObjectContainer to CustomerRepository and FooRepository. If that is the case, attributes might be a thin metal ruler. Instead, I'll show you how I would implement multiple implementations with Autofac.

(Calls such as .ContainerScoped() have been left out for brevity.)

First, register a version of IObjectContainer for each connection string by naming the registrations:

    .Register(c => new ObjectContainer(ConnectionStrings.CustomerDB))

    .Register(c => new ObjectContainer(ConnectionStrings.FooDB))

Then, resolve the specific instances in the repository registrations:

builder.Register(c => new CustomerRepository(

builder.Register(c => new FooRepository(

This leaves the repositories free of configuration information:

class CustomerRepository
    public CustomerRepository(IObjectContainer db) { ... }

class FooRepository
    public FooRepository(IObjectContainer db) { ... }
like image 132
Bryan Watts Avatar answered May 01 '23 16:05

Bryan Watts