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Castle DynamicProxy: Get unproxied object

I'm using Castle DynamicProxy to add an interceptor to my types. Now I need to get the underlying base type (NOT the proxy itself).

I found a few hints on SO that suggested to use the ProxyUtil class like this:

object realInstance = ProxyUtil.GetUnproxiedInstance(proxyInstance);

This does not seem to work as

bool isProxy = ProxyUtil.IsProxy(realInstance);

is always true.

I also tried using the following code snippet, which is essentially what ProxyUtil is doing:

var accessor = proxyInstance as IProxyTargetAccessor;
var realInstance = accessor.DynProxyGetTarget();

with the same results, realInstance is still a proxy.

What am I missing here?

like image 785
cguedel Avatar asked Jun 18 '12 12:06


2 Answers

This question is a little old but hopefully my solution (which relies on .NET 4+) will help someone.

Having created a proxy as follows:

ProxyGenerator generator = new ProxyGenerator();
MyClass proxy = generator.CreateClassProxyWithTarget(underlying, new MyInterceptor(this));

I have been able to get the underlying target with the following method:

internal static TType UnwrapProxy<TType>(TType proxy)
    if (!ProxyUtil.IsProxy(proxy))
        return proxy;

        dynamic dynamicProxy = proxy;
        return dynamicProxy.__target;
    catch (RuntimeBinderException)
        return proxy;

It relies on the internal implementation of Castle - i.e. that the generated proxy has a __target member. It is nice and self contained though and backed up with a unit test or two, we should catch any changes should a later version of Castle break this. This is using v3.2.0.0 of Castle.

like image 57
s1mm0t Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 05:09


If you don't have an invocation object available, or if you observe 'Castle.Proxies.IXeroServiceProxy.__target' is inaccessible due to its protection level when trying @s1mm0t's answer, you can try the following code which uses reflection instead of dynamic:

public static T UnwrapProxy<T>(T proxy) {
   if(!ProxyUtil.IsProxy(proxy)) {
      return proxy;
   try {
      const System.Reflection.BindingFlags flags = System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance;
      var proxyType = proxy.GetType();
      var instanceField = proxyType.GetField("__target", flags);
      var fieldValue = instanceField.GetValue(proxy);
      return (T) fieldValue;
   catch(RuntimeBinderException) {
      return proxy;
like image 26
Manfred Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 05:09
