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What does this "Lambda Expression" do?

Just come across the following line of code and having a hard time finding documentation for it, is it a lambda expression? What does this do?

temp = Regex.Replace(url, REGEX_COOKIE_REPLACE,match => cookie.Values[match.Groups["CookieVar"].Value]);

Specifically interested in the =>.

like image 337
m.edmondson Avatar asked May 17 '11 09:05


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1 Answers

If you look at the documentation for Replace, the 3rd argument is a MatchEvaluator:


This is a delegate that takes a Match as an argument and returns the string to replace it with. Your code is defining a MatchEvaluator using a lambda expression:

match => cookie.Values[match.Groups["CookieVar"].Value]

Here, for each match that the Regex finds, a value is being looked up in the cookie.Values dictionary and the result is being used as the replacement.

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ColinE Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 19:09
