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New posts in silverlight-4.0

DependencyProperty problem with Double and Single

WCF can't serialize cyclic references

Is there a way of hiding a Silverlight Grid Row at runtime?

ListBoxDragDropTarget won't reorder elements that use inheritance

How to open context menu on left click instead of right click in silverlight

Silverlight HttpWebRequest SecurityException

Checkbox cell click behaviour in Telerik RadGridView is not intuitive and requires multiple clicks

How to set focus on TextBox in Silverlight 4 out-of-browser popup

System.UnsupportedException using WCF on Windows Phone 7

How to configure WCF to push real-time data to the client?

c# .net wcf silverlight-4.0

silverlight UnitTesting doesn't call TestInitialize

DateTime Converter in Autogenerated Datagrid

Silverlight with RIA services on IIS 10.0 results in 404 error

How to position popup in click event with silverlight 4?

Silverlight, WPF or Windows Forms?

How to parse the JSON Array value in C# (Windows phone 7)?

How can I save multiple files locally in Silverlight?

Silverlight 4: Where is the HtmlBrush?

How to bind a Dependency Property to anything in the XAML

Refresh problems with Silverlight and Chrome