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New posts in dependency-properties

inject Action into UserControl

DependencyProperty problem with Double and Single

Binding with private Dependency Property works differently as compared to private CLR property

Custom Control for DataGridTemplateColumn

Why does AutoFac's AsImplementedInterfaces break my resolver on another type?

Should ViewModel inherit DependencyObject in WPF?

DependencyProperty of type "Binding" is not being updated

Dependency property in custom control is sharing memory/values unexpectedly

wpf DependencyProperty Not accepting default value for short

DependencyProperty getter/setter not being called

How to get default value for DependencyProperty

Why do different instances have same dependency property value?

Property can not be null on Trigger

Trying to change a CroppedBitmap's SourceRect at runtime

wpf dependency-properties

Is derived type also becomes owner for dependency property defined in base class (in WPF/XAML)

WPF Dependency Property as Enum Collection

Changing the value of a DependencyProperty inside the PropertyChangedCallback for that DependencyProperty

Bind a readonly DependencyProperty to another readonly DependencyProperty

Defining InputBindings within a Style