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New posts in custom-attributes

Get custom attribute value from multiple select option using Jquery

ASP.NET MVC2 Not replacing underscores with dashes in HtmlAttributes

Yii: adding custom fields

yii custom-attributes

Custom MEF ExportAttribute with AllowMultiple=true causes duplication

Custom Attribute - getting "not a valid named attribute argument" for an enum

ContextBoundObject Throws a Remoting Error After Await

Why is ClaimsPrincipalPermissionAttribute sealed, and is there an alternative?

Adding custom attributes

Autofac Interception with custom attributes

Get custom attributes from an object

Objective-C: Custom BOOL accessor (getter & setter) methods

ASP.NET MVC: Ignore custom attribute in a base controller class

Constructor Dependency Injection WebApi Attributes

How do I pass in the repository to an authorize attribute in ASP.NET MVC

Debugger is not entering custom attribute class

c# wpf custom-attributes

GetCustomAttributes for an enum value return an empty Array

Reflection with generic syntax fails on a return parameter of an overridden method

Attribute.IsDefined doesn't see attributes applied with MetadataType class