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New posts in win-universal-app

How to use SearchBox in Windows 8.1 by loading the results using a async method

How to convert a Windows.UI.Color into a string color name in a Windows Universal app

How do I set Frame.Navigate to happen immediately with no transition?

VS 2015 RC - Xaml designer won't load when trying to create windows 10 universal apps in Windows 8

Hiding Status Bar / White Bar At Top of Windows 10 Universal App on Phone

Can I share code between a Windows 8.1 Universal app and a Windows 10 Universal Windows App

Error saving dump. Invalid pointer

Disabling vertical (swipe) scrolling in a ListView

Opening a UWP within a UWP application

How do I make a UWP custom (i.e. templated) button control with accessibility support

win-universal-app uwp

UWP drag and drop custom type/class

How to pass default credentials in Windows Authentication

UWP - x:Bind Mode=TwoWay throws errors without converter

c# win-universal-app

UWP how to make Grid scrollable in XAML

xaml win-universal-app

Cancel Windows 10 BackgroundDownloader

c# win-universal-app

How to implement a navigation button in shared application resources?

How do I keep my Async method thread safe?

How to create appxbundle that does not require developer license

How to change the background color of button on Click Event in Universal Windows Platform Apps?

How can I overwrite a file in UWP?

c# file win-universal-app