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New posts in windows-8.1

How to use SearchBox in Windows 8.1 by loading the results using a async method

Declaring high DPI awareness per window on Windows 8

How to debug Windows Phone 8.1 app which was started by protocol association?

Environment vars by Power Shell

What causes ModuleLoadException in RoleEnvironment initializer?

Activate Stacks only for some specific ETW Tasks in a provider?

Can I share code between a Windows 8.1 Universal app and a Windows 10 Universal Windows App

Disabling ALT menu bar activation with AutoHotKey not working on Windows 8

windows-8.1 autohotkey

How can I get MessageBox icons in Windows 8.1

vim on ultra-high display (3200-1800) on Windows 8 [duplicate]

vim windows-8.1

Google Admob in Windows 8.1 app

admob windows-8.1

Are AUMID's (Application User Model ID's) unique?

windows windows-8.1

Oracle.DataAccess not available for selection in Visual Studio 2013

Programmatically sort folders on Windows 8

ListView.ContainerFromItem returns null after a new item is added in windows 8.1 store XAML

Remote debugging Tools Cannot Install on Surface RT Running 8.1 Preview (cannot verify digital signature)

Can't change PowerShell font and window size on Windows 8.1

powershell windows-8.1

How to install a Credential Provider in Windows 8.1

VS Express 2013 Error DEP1700: The recipe file "xxxxx.appxrecipe" does not exist. You may need to build your project

Unable to run vagrant up due to Vbox error (MS 81.)