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Parameter Delimiters

How to connect to a remote Oracle database

ODP.NET : Parameter Types "cached" on identical CommandText

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ODP.NET How to pass array of strings to an Oracle Stored procedure?

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How to get tracing info for binding variables passed through OracleParameter in ODP.NET?

Oracle.DataAccess not available for selection in Visual Studio 2013

Could not load file or assembly 'Oracle.DataAccess' - Markup View

Oracle ODP.NET Cursor Leak?

Converting a string to an integer in oracle

oracle odp.net

c# datatypes -> oracle datatypes

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Using ODP.NET to get a RECORD from PL/SQL function, without touching PL/SQL code

oracle record odp.net

ORACLE and Entity Framework. Error:the specified store provider cannot be found in the configuration or is not valid

why I get OracleTruncateException with ODP.NET OracleDataAdapter but not with System.Data.OracleClient's adapter when DbDataAdapter.Update called?

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Poor performance getting clob field from Oracle in .Net

.net oracle odp.net clob devart

Case insensitive search using ALTER SESSION on ODP.NET/EF connections?

ODP.NET Managed ConnectionPool closes/opens every 3 minutes

ODP.NET + Unexpected traffic on port 6200 (Oracle Notification Services)