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Poor performance getting clob field from Oracle in .Net

.net oracle odp.net clob devart

Delphi support for SQLite manifest typing

Should I be worried about Version Conflicts?

Concurrent reading and updating in a database table

OUTER APPLY is not supported by MySQL

Are there any .NET data providers for Oracle that do not require the Oracle Client to be installed?

.net oracle devart

DevArt's dotConnect for Oracle vs DataDirect's ADO.NET data provider

How can I use LinqPad's generated context in Visual Studio

linqpad devart

How to use DataTable (or similar) with Oracle DB

Postgresql with postGIS and entity framework, CHECK constraint issue

Linq to Entities and LEFT OUTER JOIN issue with MANY:1 relations

Unicode Parameter on Oracle Connectionstring

TransactionScope does not rollback inside wcf service method, does roll back if called directly

Is this lambda? if not what is it?

delphi orm devart

How to call a Stored Procedure inside an oracle package with Entity Framework?

Set Devart's Code Compare as custom diff & merge tool in Sourcetree?

Can we control LINQ expression order with Skip(), Take() and OrderBy()

CLOB vs. VARCHAR2 and are there other alternatives?

System.Data.MetadataException: Unable to load the specified metadata resource