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What is the best way to re-name a column in edmx?

Updating Entity Framework EDMX Models After Database Migration

EDMX .NET 4.5 to 4.0?

How do I create an association between these 2 entities without touching the DB?

Profile Image in AspNet Identity

Entity Designer missing

Overriding a DataModel inside a DLL

Design Decision: Multiple EF EDMX Files

entity-framework edmx

AspNetUserRoles not in EDMX when generating from database

Entity framework, multiple edmx to share connection string - is it possible?

Practical way for separate Entity classses (DTO) from EDMX

edmx error 'Unable to cast object of type 'MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlProviderServices' 'System.Data.Common.DBProviderServices'

mysql edmx

Is it possible to update a sql database schema from an edmx in Visual Studio 2008?

Specifying location of .csdl / .ssdl / .msl Metadata files within the output assembly

EF 4.3.1 with VS 2011

entity-framework edmx

Do I add the same table in multiple entity framework bounded context

How can I make the Entity data model designer use my database column descriptions?

entity-framework edmx