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New posts in wcf-data-services

Unsupported media type requested when requesting application/json on WCF Data Service

json wcf wcf-data-services

How do i Consume WCF Data Service?

Entity framework 6 data context from wcf data service

WCF Data Service or just WCF Service?

An alternative way to use Azure Table Storage?

Why doesn't my oData response have navigation properties

Odata compression - Is there ANY support? (WCF Data Services 5.0 for WinRT)

Maintain state between WCF webservice calls from android

Ria Services vs WCF Dataservices

How to consume a complex object from a sproc using WCF Data Services / OData?

Creating a set from Table Valued Function in Entity Framework

WebApi odata: Serialize long as string

Mocking a DataServiceQuery<TElement>

MaxReceivedMessageSize error in WCF

Entity framework, multiple edmx to share connection string - is it possible?

How can I keep Entity Framework from generating inefficient queries in SQL Server?

Transfer large amount of data in WCF service

How do I choose between WCF, REST, POX and RIA services for a new Silverlight application