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New posts in wcf-security

WCF - SSL Service

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WCF - Cannot obtain Metadata

Documentation of WCF Default Binding Settings (e.g. wsHttpBinding)

WCF DualHTTPBINDING Message security

How to authenticate in WCF services in BasicHttpBinding?

Inject an object into a custom WCF UserNamePassValidator - Autofac

ASP.NET - IIS7 Deployment Error 500 24 50 using WCF Web Service Binding w/ AD Groups

WCF and Silverlight 4.0 in N-Tier App : authenticate calls to the service

Separating as a client the server's transport and message signature certificates with WCF

Is WCF vulnerable to XXE attacks [closed]

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How to connect Java client to WCF service using clientCredentialType="Basic"

WCF REST RequestInterceptor authentication

What is encryption strength when TcpClientCredentialType.Windows is used?

WCF architecture help needed

WCF Security in a Windows Service

Using a shared cache in a Web farm environment for detecting replay attacks in WCF

wcf security wcf-security