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New posts in windows-runtime

How to detect unplugged headphone jack in WinRT?

Pattern for an async method that returns something immediately

Captured photo with stripes

How to use SearchBox in Windows 8.1 by loading the results using a async method

Line numbers in exception stack on winRT

Multiple MessageDialog app crash

c# windows-runtime

How do I set Frame.Navigate to happen immediately with no transition?

How to debug Windows Phone 8.1 app which was started by protocol association?

LINQ on Directory.GetFiles with filtering and sorting with multiple sort criteria

c# linq windows-runtime

List<T>.Find method in Metro apps

WinRT Reflection (C++/CX)

Storing something other than a string in SuspensionManager.SessionState

windows-8 windows-runtime

Winrt apps, unhandled exception at random occasions

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How to get the mac address in WinRT (Windows 8) programmatically?

windows-8 windows-runtime

Windows::Storage::ApplicationData::Current Not Found in C++

How to draw string to a bitmap image in WinRT

How to post XML data via HTTP POST method in windows store apps?

'System.IO.Stream' does not contain a definition for 'Close' in Windows Store Apps

How to store save Thumbnail image in device in windows 8 metro apps c#

Exception when using SQLite in WinRT app