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New posts in c++-cx

Pattern for an async method that returns something immediately

WinRT Reflection (C++/CX)

signature of public member contains native type

windows-runtime c++-cx

Build fails for C++/CX project with v141 platform toolset in Visual Studio 2019

UWP Windows-10 WACK tests Errors

C++/CX way of iterating Map<String^, Object^>^?

Printing variable values to console visual c++ windows store Modern UI app

How are C# and C++/CX objects related?

how to compile a VS 2017 C++/CX project

visual-studio-2017 c++-cx

how to access namespace "windows"

Listview selection display with no padding and no checkmark

How do I iterate over an IIterable<T> in C++/CX?

windows-runtime c++-cx

Does the Win 10 UWP EmailMessage API support having an HTML body?

How do we await for C# async delegate function in C++/CX

c# windows asynchronous c++-cx

C++ equivalent of .NET's Task.Delay?

How to get the array of struct with "byte array" from WinRT C++ to C# in Windows Store app?

Using IIterable

auto foo = ref new Foo(); What is "ref"?

c++ windows-runtime c++-cx