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Convert BYTE* to Array<byte>^


How do I define 'out' parameters a in C++CX Windows Runtime Component?

windows-runtime c++-cx

Meaning of ^ variables in C++/CX

c++ windows-runtime c++-cx

How Can I make async operations of my own with WinRT using IAsyncOperation interface?

Copying assets into UWP application package

Unzipping archive on Windows 8

What is DX::ThrowIfFailed?

c++ visual-c++ c++-cx

Why is [Windows::Foundation::Metadata::WebHostHidden] added by default in custom WinRT C++/CX controls?

What is the syntax to declare a C++/CX WinRT property with implementation in the .cpp file?

Can C++/CX simplify my (non-WinRT) WPF application?

c# wpf windows-runtime c++-cx

Can I handle an event with a lambda in C++/CX?

Obtaining UI dispatcher in Windows phone 8

C++ compiler errors in xamltypeinfo.g.cpp

How to reference a native WinRT component from a managed project?

FreeType "generic" conflict with c++/cx keyword

Is Platform::String really so useless?

Does C++/CX detect and solve cycles of objects?

XAML apps using C++/CX for Desktop Windows

Can C++/CX and C++/WinRT be used in the same project?