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New posts in windows-8

How to implement drag and drop in c# windows metro app?

Windows 8 tile not displaying correct images. fav icon displayed instead

Jekyll Serve not working.Uninitialized constant. Windows 8

windows-8 cmd jekyll

Storing something other than a string in SuspensionManager.SessionState

windows-8 windows-runtime

Dynamic template in listview (WinJS) in windows 8

windows-8 winjs

Constructor on type 'System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.SqlConnectionFactory' not found

Unable to play sound in Windows 8


Where does Windows 8 keep Roaming App data files?

How to get the mac address in WinRT (Windows 8) programmatically?

windows-8 windows-runtime

Windows::Storage::ApplicationData::Current Not Found in C++

Adding Visual States to a Data Template in Windows 8

c# xaml windows-8 datatemplate

Best resources for learning xaml for Windows Store Apps? [closed]

LINQ Where clause with four &&

Windows 8 Winrt Application goes to background or close

How to get rotation, translation, shear from a 3x3 Homography matrix in c#

"Unable to add dynamic content" using AngularJS for Windows Store App, yet it works

windows-8 angularjs

XAML Windows 8 app blue border on button hover

xaml windows-8 windows

Windows 8 Metro :: What is AutomationProperties.AutomationId and AutomationProperties.Name

xaml windows-8

Why won't my console display the copyright symbol ©?

How do I create a tap moveable control in WinRT?