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Windows 8 Winrt Application goes to background or close

How can you tell when a windows 8 Metro app gets put in the background? The suspended state doesn't activate. I have a break point on. It only hits if I close the app.

I am using a webcam and since no apps can run in the background I need to save my work when it's put in the background.

The windows phone it was application deactivated.

any help would be nice.

like image 866
Andre DeMattia Avatar asked Feb 18 '23 00:02

Andre DeMattia

1 Answers

Apps do not normally get suspended when in the debugger. However, you can force a suspend when debugging by:

  1. Enabling the Debug Location toolbar (red arrow in image below).
  2. Then press the Suspend button (blue arrow).


like image 177
chue x Avatar answered Feb 22 '23 23:02

chue x