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Best resources for learning xaml for Windows Store Apps? [closed]

I'm looking for books, online tutorials, articles, training videos and any kind of resource to learn XAML for Windows Store App. I want to master XAML to build powerful Apps. For that reason I will appreciate any helpful information.

Keep it coming!






31 Days of Windows 8

Code Samples

MSDN Windows 8 app samples


Building Windows 8 Apps with C# and XAML (Microsoft Windows Development Series). Jeremy Likness

Incoming Books

Programming Windows®, 6th Edition. Charles Petzold


Visual Studio

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Daniel San Avatar asked Feb 18 '23 10:02

Daniel San

2 Answers

I really like following series

31 Days of Windows 8

Also I think Generation App have some good resources and even offers free 1 On 1 app consultation.

One of the best resource for me have been Windows 8 app samples, it is really helpful to use these examples, although not all the examples are straight forward.

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Mayank Avatar answered Feb 21 '23 00:02


My book, Building Windows 8 Apps with C# and XAML (I'm avoiding posting a "vanity link" on purpose, but you should find it easily by searching on the title) has an entire chapter devoted to XAML that I believe is quite thorough.

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Jeremy Likness Avatar answered Feb 20 '23 22:02

Jeremy Likness