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Command binding to a button inside a DataTemplate not working

wpf: usercontrol vs. customcontrol performance issue

Additional Nesting level appears when using a DataTemplate in a WPF Ribbon Application Menu

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TargetType property not found on DataTemplate

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Embed DataGrid into WPF Treeview nodes

Datatemplate in c# code-behind

c# wpf datatemplate

Adding Visual States to a Data Template in Windows 8

c# xaml windows-8 datatemplate

Selecting User Control for Data Template based on an Enum

Fade out removing item from itemscontrol

How to set the DataContext for a View created in DataTemplate from ViewModel

Why a Listbox DataTemplate does not use the Windows.Resources styles?

How are ItemContainerTemplates used when populating a menu?

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Why is this WPF ComboBox not showing the selected value?

WPF MenuItem template for MVVM

xaml mvvm datatemplate

WPF DataTemplate Binding

Why AlternationIndex returns 0 for all items in ItemsControl?

Why should we use DataTemplate.DataType

wpf xaml datatemplate

Slow ComboBox Performance

WPF TextBox.SelectAll () doesn't work

WPF - ItemTemplate not acting as expected