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Enable the status bar in the Windows Phone javascript templates for Visual Studio 2013

Dynamic template in listview (WinJS) in windows 8

windows-8 winjs

Changing ListView Selection Template in WinJS

listview selection winjs

How to draw string to a bitmap image in WinRT

How to JSON parse in windows 8

WinJS app with an uncatchable crash

windows-8 winjs

HTML5 Canvas performance very poor using rect()

Implementing "Rate application" functionality on a Windows Store app

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Passing and retrieving multiple parameters in jquery from one page to another page

URI schemes supported in Windows 8 apps

Loading custom font in Windows 8 Metro App

windows-8 winjs

Pinch Zoom - Getting touch coordinates

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How to Form POST to Paypal from WinJS iframe Windows 8 App?

WinRT, Javascript and the random "Access denied" exception

Windows Store App - Executing a single task when launched from a secondary tile

Windows 8.1 In-App Search Control AND Search Pane (Search Charm)?

Reading files in js from local windows store folder

WinJS: Promise chain sometimes sticks after usage of BackgroundUploader class on 512MB WinPhone8.1 Emu