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New posts in appdata

Where does Windows 8 keep Roaming App data files?

Creating and using c# Application Folder

c# directory appdata

Where is Win7's jump list system data stored?

How to write to the common Application Data folder?

Get AppData\Local folder for logged user

c# wpf privileges appdata

When should I opt for IsolatedStorage versus AppData file storage?

How do you locate a folder inside of Roaming using C#?

How to use Application Data in an (App.config) connectionString

Node Read File From %appdata%

Folder with WRITE permission for a Windows Service and only READ permission for other apps

Visual Studio 2017 eating disk space in Local AppData folder

Where is ms-appdata?

Should application log files and user generated data files be stored in APPDATA or PROGRAMDATA

windows-7 logfiles appdata

Where does APPDATA get initialized in the default docker-compose.override file

SVN info from ASP.NET : 'Can't determine the user's config path'

asp.net svn appdata

How to get the %AppData% folder in C?

c windows appdata

Is there a shared folder in Windows to which non-elevated users have write access?

How do I reference the Sqlite db file in the App_Data folder for my ASP.NET Web Application?

Problems with umlauts in python appdata environvent variable

How to get the application specific data folder (ProgramData)?