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New posts in inno-setup

Inno Setup Compiler: How to edit INI file and replace a value with {app} constant


How to catch OleObject exception in Inno Setup?

Inno Setup: Add button action for skipping to next page


UnZip files after install with InnoUnzip - Error "Invalid prototype"

inno-setup pascalscript

Create a hardlink with Inno Setup

Inno Setup ComponentsList OnClick event

Inno Setup How to add CRLF/line break in custom message


Concatenating string and integer fails with "Type mismatch" error

inno-setup pascalscript

Inno Setup - Create shortcut in "Send to" context menu

windows inno-setup

Specific advantages of MSI based installation over MSI wrapped script based installation?

Inno Setup - External .NET DLL with dependencies

Delete Task Scheduler task at Uninstall?

Inno Setup Read value from .ini

inno-setup ini

Exiting from a loop exits the function instead

inno-setup pascal

How to create multiple setup applications with one .iss config?


InnoSetup (Pascal): FileExists() doesn't find every file


How to convert Path to 8.3 format with Inno Setup

delphi inno-setup

Use WiX or Inno Setup to bundle the installation of several MSI files

running InstallUtil {app}/file.exe in inno setup

installation inno-setup

inno setup need help about icon group under start menu