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How would you escape dollar sign in NSIS?

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Pin icons to taskbar

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NSIS INTALLER: lvm_getitemcount already defined

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CPack: How to perform multiple CPACK_NSIS_EXTRA_INSTALL_COMMANDS?

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Specific advantages of MSI based installation over MSI wrapped script based installation?

NSIS script condition compilation based upon existence of a file


NSIS - Run program on finish only if installed

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How to automatically create a (My)Sql ALTER script within an installer?

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How to Install the Visual C++ Redist Using NSIS

NSIS: What is a registry?

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Call must be used with function names starting with "un." in the uninstall section

Firebird iSQL - How to input SQL query from command line, and retrieve output in simpler format

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NSIS: Unable to get JRE version from registry in Windows 7 64 bit

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NSIS terms of use [closed]

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Change the default install folder in NSIS

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How to create empty file with NSIS


uninstaller not deleting registry

NSIS CreateShortCut: Shortcuts order on Start menu

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