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New posts in windows-7-x64

Drag'n'drop to a Windows form issue

unrecognized character when creating mongodb service

mongodb windows-7-x64

16-bit assembly incompatibility with 64-bit windows 7

CMake not linking Python

Windows 7 Professional: Fails to install Visual C++'s "Common Tools for Visual C++ 2015" feature

How to install NumPy on Windows 64?

irritating TortoiseSVN error - file or directory is corrupted and chkdsk at boot

MinGW 64 Bit Install trouble

Windows 7 Profile Default Image Files Location

runas /savecred... don't accept cmdkey /add (credentials)

How to call two batches from a third one?

Why doesn't my PyGame mixer play sounds,?

Service 'MongoDB Server' (MongoDB) failed to start

mongodb windows-7-x64

Change the default install folder in NSIS

How can i move files to a portable device using batch in windows7

what is msvc_x64_x64 and how is different from msvc_x64

Simple question: Can x86 apps take advantage of the extra RAM a x64 OS gives?

Python 2.7.3 process.Popen() failures

ionic build android error

OutputDebugString doesn't print information in Visual Studio 2010