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New posts in 16-bit

16-bit C code compiled with GCC

c gcc compilation 16-bit

16-bit assembly incompatibility with 64-bit windows 7

What does ASSUME mean in assembler?

sine function on 16-bit microcontroller

Shifting the Sign extended constant in MIPS

Best approach for debugging a Win 16-bit application?

Linux x86 bootloader

How can I save/load a 16 bit image in .net x64?

Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic (Bignum) for 16-bit processor

16 bit C code for real mode kernel

Python and 16-bit PGM

MOV BX,[SI] - ASM question

assembly x86 16-bit mov intel

Problem with writing a 16bit raw PCM file

c wav pcm 16-bit

Masking a 16-bit value with 0xFFFF

javascript masking bits 16-bit

Can't clear entire screen in 16-bit real mode Assembly

Importance of page count and last page size in an MZ (DOS, 16 bit) .EXE header

assembly dos 16-bit

Can I convert a 16-bit .exe program to a 64-bit .exe?

windows 16-bit recompile

manipulating 32 bit numbers with 16 bit registers in 8086