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New posts in x86-16

8086 OS-less programming; segmentation

assembly nasm x86-16

How to read a character from standard input in DOS such that redirection works?

What is i.h.ah, o.h.ah and int86?

TASM 1.4 - Displaying a particular colored string?

assembly text colors x86-16 tasm

emu8086 complains about "Unterminated string" with a long string in a DB

assembly x86-16 emu8086

a good 8086 emulator [closed]

macos emulation x86-16

whats the use of "org xxxx" in assembly

8086 TASM: Illegal Indexing Mode [duplicate]

assembly x86 x86-16 tasm

8086 random number generator (not just using the system time)?

What is the purpose of the reserved/undefined bit in the flag register?

Displaying numbers with DOS

Assembly Instructions: AAA

assembly x86 x86-16 bcd 80286

How can I determine the result in AX after MOV and LEA instructions

assembly x86 x86-16 real-mode

Is there some benefit in the following assembly commands?

Displaying Time in Assembly

assembly time x86-16 emu8086

Converting Turbo Pascal inline code to Object Pascal

invalid effective address calculation

Instruction sequence that does the same thing as push

assembly x86 stack x86-16

Random number in assembly

8086/88 emulator for ubuntu [closed]

assembly emulation x86-16