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New posts in pascal

How to catch OleObject exception in Inno Setup?

Exiting from a loop exits the function instead

inno-setup pascal

String Arrays in Innosetup

inno-setup pascal

How do I make the Lazarus IDE look and work like Delphi 2007 or newer?

Get the version of a exe or dll from inno setup

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Disable system() and exec() function in C and Pascal

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`this` keyword equivalent in delphi [duplicate]

Circular reference fix?

delphi pascal

Connect 4: Check for winner

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How to make trigonometry code more efficient

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Encryption Initialization Vector

How to use a Pascal variable in Inno Setup?

windows inno-setup pascal

Why this C to Pascal conversion crash?

delphi pascal freepascal

Financial functions in Embarcadero Delphi

delphi pascal

Converting Turbo Pascal inline code to Object Pascal

Exchanging strings (PChar) between a Freepascal compiled DLL and a Delphi compiled EXE

Pascal to C converter [closed]

Higher order Procedures in delphi

delphi pascal

Delphi Memory Management

Deprecated command StrPas

delphi pascal delphi-xe6