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New posts in delphi-2007

Controlling the master speaker volume in Windows 7

delphi volume delphi-2007

TWebbrowser massive memory leaks : no solution so far

How do I get rid of "W1047 Unsafe code '@ operator'" in this RaiseExeption call

delphi delphi-2007

Export a VirtualStringTree to excel, csv?

Incompatibilities between Indy 9 and Windows Server 2003?

delphi new project not starting at form1

delphi delphi-2007

Get richtext from a richedit in Delphi

delphi delphi-2007 richedit

How do I position a TOpenDialog

Delphi 2007 VCL Project Name Different from Compiled Exe Name?

delphi delphi-2007

Delphi 2007 (or 2009) build events tied to build configurations?

delphi delphi-2007

Delphi 2007 help integration

delphi ide delphi-2007

How do I make the Lazarus IDE look and work like Delphi 2007 or newer?

Stop VCL Child Controls from Inheriting Parent Popup Menu

try/except doesn't seem to capture exceptions - Delphi Service Application

store variant value in object property of TStringList

delphi delphi-2007

How do you override delegated method implementation?

delphi delphi-2007

How can I terminate a thread that has a seperate message loop?

Optimize included files and uses in Delphi

delphi delphi-2007

How enumerate the forms of the IDE from a delphi IDE expert

delphi delphi-2007 toolsapi

Get functionname from the functionpointer?