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Exchanging strings (PChar) between a Freepascal compiled DLL and a Delphi compiled EXE

After a lot of experimentations, I found a way to exchange PChar from a FreePascal compiled DLL with a Delphi compiled EXE. I'm in charge of both the DLL and EXE source code but one MUST BE in FreePascal and the other one in Delphi. My solution involves the following methods in the DLL:

function GetAString(): PChar;
var aString: string;
  aString := 'My String';
  result := StrAlloc(length(aString) + 1);
  StrPCopy(result, aString); 

procedure FreeString(aString: PChar);

And from the Delphi EXE, to call the GetAString method, I need to Call the GetAString method, save the PChar to an actual Delphi String and call the FreeString method.

Is this the best way of exchanging a string from a FreePascal DLL with a Delphi EXE ? Can I avoid the call to FreeString from Delphi ?

And finally, if that's the correct solution, how will it behave with Delphi 2010 and the WideString by default: do I need to force WidePChar in FreePascal too ?

like image 823
jonjbar Avatar asked Dec 22 '22 03:12


1 Answers

One way to exchange strings between your DLL and your Delphi application without using a FreeString call is to take a string buffer from the calling application as a PChar, and fill the buffer in the DLL. That is how Windows API functions work when they need to exchange strings with calling applications.

To do so, your calling application creates a string buffer, and sends a PChar referring to that buffer along with buffer size to your DLL function. If the buffer size is smaller than the actual string the DLL has to send to the application, your DLL function can send the actual required size for the buffer to the calling application.

how will it behave with Delphi 2010 and the WideString by default: do I need to force WidePChar in FreePascal too ?

In Delphi 2009 and Delphi 2010, PChar equals to PWideChar. In previous versions of Delphi, and as far as I know, in FreePascal, PChar equals to PAnsiChar. So If you return PChar from your DLL, your code won't work correctly in Delphi 2010. You should explicitly use PAnsiChar or PWideChar. You can again follow Windows API function's pattern: they provide two versions of almost each API function - one with WideChar support whose names have a W character as suffix, and the other one with AnsiChar support whose names have an A character as suffix.

Your DLL function declaration would be something like this:

function AStringFuncW(Buffer: PWideChar; var BufferSize: Integer): Boolean;

function AStringFuncA(Buffer: PAnsiChar; var BufferSize: Integer): Boolean;


Here is a sample code:

  1. Your DLL function for WideChar would be like this:

    function AStringFuncW(Buffer: PWideChar; var BufferSize: Integer): Boolean; stdcall;
      MyOutputStr : WideString;
      Result := False;
      // Calculate your output string here.
      MyOutputStr := 'This is a sample output';
      // Check if buffer is assigned, and its given length is enough
      if Assigned(Buffer) and (BufferSize >= Length(MyOutputStr) + 1) then
        // Copy output string into buffer
        Result := True;
      // Return actual size of output string.
      BufferSize := Length(MyOutputStr) + 1;

    For the AnsiChar version you use PAnsiChar as parameter and either an almost similar code with either AnsiString as variable, or you convert the parameter to PWideChar and call your own AStringFuncW inside your AStringFuncA function, whose result you convert back to PAnsiChar.

  2. Here is how you can define these functions in your interface unit to be used by your DLL clients:

    unit TestDLLIntf;
      TestDll = 'Test.dll';
      function AStringFuncW(Buffer: PWideChar; var BufferSize: Integer): Boolean; stdcall;
      function AStringFuncA(Buffer: PWideChar; var BufferSize: Integer): Boolean; stdcall;
      function AStringFunc(Buffer: PWideChar; var BufferSize: Integer): Boolean; stdcall;
    function AStringFuncW; external TestDll name 'AStringFuncW';
    function AStringFuncA; external TestDll name 'AStringFuncA';
     function AStringFunc; external TestDll name 'AStringFuncW';
     function AStringFunc; external TestDll name 'AStringFuncA';

    In the above code, both AStringFuncW and AStringFuncA functions are declared as external. The AStringFunc function refers to the WideChar version in Delphi 2009 or 2010, and to AnsiChar in older versions.

  3. Here you can see how your DLL clients can use your function:

    procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
      Str : string;
      Size : Integer;
      // Retrieve required buffer size
      // Set buffer
      // Retrieve output string from DLL function.
      if AStringFunc(PChar(Str),Size) then

    In the above code, the client application first gets the actual output size from AStringFunc, then sets a string buffer, and retrieves the output string from the DLL. Note that the same code should work in both Unicode and non-Unicode versions of Delphi, because AStringFunc refers to either AStringFuncA or AStringFuncW inside your DLL, depending on whether your compiler supports Unicode or not.

like image 58
vcldeveloper Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 07:12
