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New posts in turbo-c++

What is i.h.ah, o.h.ah and int86?

How to explicitly call destructor of a class in Turbo C++

What does sizeof(int) return in this case?

c++ c sizeof turbo-c++

Nontype template argument must be of scalar type error in C++? [closed]

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Weird output of simple expression in C, why?

c++ c turbo-c++

Turbo C++ and Code blocks

Linker error in C. while using <graphics.h> Turbo C++

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Why int& a=10; is valid in ancient C++ compilers?

Is it possible to embed binary data into DOS EXEs made in Turbo C?

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Turbo C++ 4.5 error "undefined symbol owlmain..."

c++ turbo-c++

Borland x86 inlined assembler; get a label's address?

c++ assembly x86 turbo-c++

ASCII DOS Games - Rendering methods

c++ ascii render dos turbo-c++

Is there any way to obtain antique versions of Borland's Turbo C++ compiler for free?

c++ turbo-c++

Must the int main() function return a value in all compilers? [duplicate]

c++ turbo-c++

Why doesn't a simple "Hello World"-style program compile with Turbo C++?

c++ turbo-c++ c++-faq

Why should I not #include <bits/stdc++.h>?