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What is i.h.ah, o.h.ah and int86?

I am trying to understand a program to get arrow keys. Here is the code:

int getkeys( )
       union REGS i,o;
       while(!kbhit( ));

can someone please explain me this code. It is to get arrow keys but i am not getting this code.

like image 530
Vipul Avatar asked Mar 04 '23 11:03


2 Answers

Turbo-C/C++'s int86 function is used to make system interrupt calls to DOS and BIOS services. The REGS union is a way to address individual registers in the interrupt context data structure. In order to make a DOS or BIOS call you need to set up values in the registers based on the requirements of the system call you want to make. Ralph Brown's Interrupt List (RBIL) is an excellent source of DOS and BIOS system calls, their parameters and their return values. The Turbo-C documentation defines int86 this way:

Name            int86  - general 8086 software interrupt interface

Usage           int int86(int intr_num, union REGS *inregs,
                          union REGS *outregs);

Prototype in    dos.h

Description     Both of these functions execute an 8086 software
                interrupt specified by the argument intr_num.

                Before executing the software interrupt, both functions
                copy register values from inregs into the registers.

                In addition, int86x copies the segregs->x.ds and
                segregs->x.es values into the corresponding registers
                before executing the software interrupt. This feature
                allows programs that use far pointers, or that use a
                large data memory model, to specify which segment is
                to be used during the software interrupt.

                After the software interrupt returns, both functions
                copy the current register values to outregs, copy the
                status of the system carry flag to the x.cflag field
                in outregs, and copy the value of the 8086 flags register
                to the x.flags field in outregs.  In addition, int86x
                restores DS, and sets the segregs->es and segregs->ds
                fields to the values of the corresponding segment

                If the carry flag is set, it indicates that an error

                int86x allows you to invoke an 8086 software interrupt
                that takes a value of DS different from the default data
                segment, and/or that takes an argument in ES.

                Note that inregs can point to the same structure that
                outregs points to.

Return value    int86 and int86x return the value of AX after completion
                of the software interrupt. If the carry flag is set
                (outregs->x.cflag != 0), indicating an error, these
                functions set _doserrno to the error code.

int86 takes the interrupt number to call and two REGS union pointers. The first one contains the values that need to be set upon entry to the interrupt handler and the second is a way to retrieve the register values that are returned by the interrupt.

Turbo-C/C++'s definition of REGS looks similar to:

struct WORDREGS {
    unsigned int    ax, bx, cx, dx, si, di, cflag, flags;

struct BYTEREGS {
    unsigned char   al, ah, bl, bh, cl, ch, dl, dh;

union   REGS    {
    struct  WORDREGS x;
    struct  BYTEREGS h;

The h part of the union is simply a mechanism of addressing the high and low 8-bit registers of the 16-bit registers AX, BX, CX, and DX rather than through the full 16-bit register via x. This code:


simply sets the AH register (The top 8-bit register of AX) to 0 to pass into the int86 function. This code:


Is making a call to software interrupt 22 (0x16). If you look at RBIL Int 0x16/AH=x00 you find that it is the BIOS call for:

AH = 00h

AH = BIOS scan code
AL = ASCII character

You will see that this BIOS call returns the BIOS scan code of the next character pressed in AH and AL is the ASCII code.

The line:


returns the BIOS scan code of the character pressed from getkeys

Note: The code while(!kbhit( )); waits in a loop until a key press is detected. The Int 0x16/AH=0x00 call is being used to retrieve the BIOS scan code of that key press.

like image 133
Michael Petch Avatar answered Mar 20 '23 09:03

Michael Petch

It calls BIOS interrupt 16h, function 00h, which is "Read key press".

When this interrupt call returns, AH will contain the scan code of the pressed key.

int86 means "call interrupt". 22 is the interrupt number (16h, means hexadecimal 16).

i means the input register set to the interrupt. AH contains the function call number: 0 (There are other calls as well: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/INT_16H)

o means the output register set from the interrupt. AH is specified (by BIOS) to contain the scan code of the pressed key.

like image 36
geza Avatar answered Mar 20 '23 10:03
