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WiX Custom Actions in 64 bit

Wix\heat.exe strange output

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WIX Bundle Installer, choose packages to install

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Giving permission to a folder in programdata using Wix

how to execute an exe during wix install

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How to deploy app.config using wix project

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Can I include a Wix fragment by referencing a property defined in it?


Wix: Set permission of a folder within the installfolder using permissionEx

Wix stop service on uninstall/upgrade: prevent "restart popup" (file-in-use situation)

WIX Create Scheduled Task

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Installing multiple instances of an Application with Wix Toolset

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Check for .net framework 4.5.2 in registry in wix


Wix (VS installer) - missing editors toolbar

visual-studio-2010 wix

Installing and registering shell extension Context menu From wix installer

Install .net 4.6.2 with Wix 3.10

Specific advantages of MSI based installation over MSI wrapped script based installation?

Get INI file value with WiX

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WiX Package "Comments" and "Keywords"


What is the compression method used by MSI files?

WIX - Cannot uninstall an MSI package

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