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Get INI file value with WiX

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How to conditionally exclude features from "FeaturesDlg" in WiX 3.0 from a managed Custom Action (DTF)

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Unresolved reference to symbol " " in section 'Fragment'

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Wix Bootstrapper setup.exe never starts and log reads Failed to load theme controls

wix product id should be autogenerated for patch number changes?

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WiX 3.0 with Visual Studio 2010 -- no user interface libs?

WiX condition properties passed from command line don't work?

Visual Studio Installer Project: RemovePreviousVersions does not seem to work [duplicate]

Retrieve COM ProgID from exe without registering it

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Check wix Bootstrapper RegistrySearch bal:Condition only at time of installation

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How to bundle a Java dependent application with a JRE in an MSI

WIX: Heat duplicate id issue with multiple features/folders

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How to check for installed package in WiX 3.0?

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Register add-ins, project templates and item templates for Visual Studio 11

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Set Wix property only if certain condition is met

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WiX 3 driving me crazy - trying to create desktop shortcut

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