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New posts in cx-freeze

Give a different name to the executable other than the name of the executable script

python cx-freeze

Use WiX or Inno Setup to bundle the installation of several MSI files

Images not showing when running a frozen pyqt app on another computer

Creating MSI with cx_freeze and bdist_msi for PySide app

SyntaxError when using cx_freeze on PyQt app

Could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "windows" -- cx_freeze(.exe)

How can I directly open a custom file with python on a double click?

cx_freeze creates multiple instances of program

Can't make standalone binary scrapy spider with cx_Freeze

CX_FREEEZE, INNO : could not find the matplotlib data files

Python 3.4 multiprocessing does not work with py2exe

Python cx_freeze & setuptools

python setuptools cx-freeze

Deploy PyQt5 application on different Linux machine

importError: no module named _winreg python3

python cx-freeze winreg