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New posts in setuptools

Is there a reason to have both tox.ini and setup.cfg in a python project?

setuptools tox pyscaffold

Best way to share code across several setup.py scripts?

python setuptools

When I run the setuptools .egg "as if it were a shell script", what's actually happening?

What's the standard way to package a python project with dependencies?

python setuptools

Include requirements.txt file in Python wheel

setuptools-scm: current version instead of next version

Python entry point commandline script not found when installing with --user flag

Difference between using find_packages() vs "requirements.txt" for setup.py script

Is it acceptable to have python package names with numbers in it?

python pip setuptools pypi

Python setup config install_requires "good practices"

python setuptools setup.py

Where is the source code for a Python egg?

How can I make pip install package data (a config file)?

Is there a way to bundle multiple packages together with Python setuptools?

python setuptools

How to change distutils' output directory?

Create launchable GUI script from Python setuptools (without console window!)

python setuptools distutils