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Is there a way to bundle multiple packages together with Python setuptools?

I have packages A and B, both have their own git repository, PyPI page, etc... Package A depends on package B, and by using the install_requires keyword I can get A to automatically download and install B.

But suppose I want to go a step further for my especially non-savvy users; I want to actually include package B within the tar/zip for package A, so no download is necessary (this also lets them potentially make any by-hand edits to package B's setup.cfg)

Is there a suggested (ideally automated) way to,

  • Include B in A when I call sdist for A
  • Tell setuptools that B is bundled with A for resolving the dependency (something like a local dependency_links)


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marius Avatar asked Nov 25 '22 19:11


1 Answers

This is called 'vendorizing' and no, there is no support for such an approach.

It is also a bad idea; you want to leave installation to the specialized tools, which not only manage dependencies but also what versions are installed. With tools like buildout or pip's requirements.txt format you can control very precisely what versions are being used.

By bundling a version of a dependency inside, you either force upon your users what version they get to use, or make it harder for such tools to ensure the used versions for a given installation are consistent. In addition, you are potentially wasting bandwidth and space; if other packages have also included the same requirements, you now have multiple copies. And if your dependency is updated to fix a critical security issue, you have to re-release any package that bundles it.

In the past, some packages did use vendorize packaging to include a dependency into their distribution. requests was a prime example; they stepped away from this approach because it complicated their release process. Every time there was a bug in one of the vendored packages they had to produce a new release to include the fix, for example.

If you do want to persist in including packages, you'll have to write your own support. I believe requests manually just added the vendorized packages to their repository; so they kept a static copy they updated from time to time. Alternatively, you could extend setup.py to download code when you are creating a distribution.

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Martijn Pieters Avatar answered Nov 27 '22 07:11

Martijn Pieters