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How to use pip install where one requirement has dependency on version on gcc-4.5

gcc pip egg pycrypto

Easy_install's --prefix option doesn't change where it tries to install my package

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Install MySQLdb (for python) as non-compressed egg

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Where is the source code for a Python egg?

Python Packaging Documentation

Python wheel: "ModuleNotFoundError" after installing package

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Execute egg directly from Azure Data Factory

Trying to install psycopg2==2.6.1 failing due to egg_info?

python installation pip egg

Negative extra_requires in Python setup.py

How to run python egg (present in azure databricks) from Azure data factory?

Where do I place the .egg (Python)?

python egg zope.interface

How can I exclude files in my .gitignore when packaging a Python egg?

python django egg

Can't locate a python script from error message

python build egg

Why does my python egg not work? - No distributions at all found for

python distribution pip egg

force unpacking of certain egg directories

How to install a python egg

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How can I make setuptools ignore subversion inventory?